Kurse für Jugendliche

Courses for young people

We support you not only in your Gymi preparation and during your Gymi rehearsal time, but also if you need extra help.

Start now!
Sprachkurse für Erwachsene

Language courses for adults

We offer German courses in German for expats as well as English courses in preparation for a Cambridge certificate.

Time for change!

Company courses

We offer customized German language courses directly on site at your company.

Contact us!

The learning boutique on the right bank of Lake Zurich

We offer tailor-made learning solutions for young people and adults. With our experienced teaching staff and individualized instruction, we successfully promote academic excellence and personal development.

Junge Kursteilnehmerin macht mit den Fingern das OK-Zeichen
Mastering exams with the best chances

Why LearningCube?

Because we offer an inspiring environment in which experienced teachers provide individual support in small groups and innovative learning methods lead to success.

Abgeschlossene Kurse

Completed courses

Each course represents not only knowledge, but also individual success stories of our participants.

Zufriedene Kursteilnehmende

Satisfied course participants

The satisfaction of our participants is our top priority.

Engagiertes Lehrpersonal

Committed teachers

Our success is based on the commitment and expertise of our first-class teaching staff.


Satisfaction rate

With a high satisfaction rate, we are proud to have won the trust of our participants.

Learn at your own pace

A few of our course highlights

Explore our courses and choose the right one to enroll and start learning! We assure you that you won't regret it!

Small but fine

What distinguishes us

A personalized learning experience thanks to highly qualified teachers and lessons in small groups of 2-5 participants.

Qualifiziertes Lehrpersonal

Qualified teachers

All teachers are experienced, qualified and trained in our teaching methods.


Small classes

You can only teach and learn efficiently in small classes: quality before quantity, that is our motto!

Fokus Sprechen

Focus on speaking

Grammar and spelling are very important, communication in everyday life is most important! We teach the basic building blocks and practise using them in everyday life.

Schnelle Erfolge

Rapid success

Our small classes and regular language training enable you to communicate quickly in everyday life!


Our newest publications


Together for a promising future!

Strong partnerships, successful education: find out more about our partnerships and shape the future with us.
